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November 22, 2016

How a Lawyer Can Help with Insurance Claims for a Personal Injury

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When you think about calling an attorney, it is likely because you believe you will need to go to court.

However, following an accident and injury, there are ways a personal injury attorney can assist you that may avoid taking your case to court altogether.

If you are able to successfully obtain an adequate settlement from an insurance company, you can avoid the costs and potential delays of litigation and move on with your life sooner.

Arizona has a fault-based insurance system, so if another person was at-fault for your accident and injuries, you will need to file a claim with their insurance company for your medical expenses, lost income, property damage and pain and suffering.

Not surprisingly, insurance companies will seek to limit liability whenever possible, so your claim may be partially or completely denied. The following are three ways an attorney can help during the insurance process.

Determining the True Value of Your Claim

Before you make a claim, you want to ensure it is for the full amount you need to cover your losses. You should not only consider past bills and lost wages, but also the costs of future treatment and future missed work due to your injuries.

It can be complicated to know how much to claim and a lawyer can help with such complex calculations. A lawyer can also assist by retaining expert witnesses to determine the full extent of future medical expenses and loss of income.

Reviewing and Negotiating Settlement Offers

Offers from insurance companies can be depressingly low compared to your actual losses. If you accept an offer without realizing it is inadequate, you lose any future rights to seek additional compensation stemming from your accident.

For this reason, it is critical to have a knowledgeable lawyer carefully review any offers to determine whether they are sufficient. If they are not, your attorney can negotiate for an adequate offer.

Identifying when a Lawsuit is Necessary

In cases involving serious injuries that caused significant pain and suffering, permanent disability, disfigurement, or other long-term effects, an insurance settlement may never be adequate to cover your losses. Your lawyer can advise when a lawsuit would be more effective and appropriate in your case.

Call for a Free Consultation with Our Arizona Personal Injury Law Firm Today

At the Yearin Law Group, our Scottsdale personal injury lawyers help with every stage of your case from your accident until you receive the compensation you deserve.

If you would like more information, call us at 480-502-0708 to discuss your situation for free.

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