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September 16, 2024

How Personal Injury Compensation Is Calculated

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Our Scottsdale AZ personal injury lawyer understands that when someone suffers an injury due to another person’s actions, seeking compensation becomes a critical step toward recovery. The process of calculating compensation can seem complex, but it generally involves a few key factors that help determine how much an injured person may receive. These factors include the type of injury, the extent of damages, and any long-term impacts the injury may have. By considering these, we can begin to understand the overall picture of what fair compensation might look like.

The Impact Of Medical Costs

Medical bills are often the largest component of a personal injury claim. From emergency treatment to ongoing care, these expenses add up quickly. When determining compensation, we first look at the immediate costs associated with the injury. This includes hospital stays, surgeries, and medication. Beyond that, we also factor in any future medical expenses that may be required, such as rehabilitation or long-term care.

In many cases, people may require ongoing treatment, which makes estimating future medical costs just as important as accounting for the initial bills. These projections help create a clearer picture of the financial burden caused by the injury.

Lost Wages And Reduced Earning Capacity

Injuries often prevent people from returning to work, either temporarily or permanently. Compensation must account for the income lost during the recovery period. If someone is unable to return to their previous job due to their injury, the calculation will also include reduced earning capacity. This means that even if a person returns to work, but can no longer perform the same job at the same pay, the difference between their previous and current income may be added to their claim.

Our Scottsdale personal injury lawyers assess the duration of time missed from work and the potential long-term effects on a person’s career, ensuring that the financial loss from lost wages is appropriately covered.

Evaluating Pain And Suffering

While medical bills and lost wages are more straightforward to quantify, pain and suffering are more subjective. Compensation for pain and suffering is meant to address the physical discomfort and emotional distress caused by the injury. The amount varies depending on the severity of the injury and the lasting impact on the individual’s life.

To assess this, we may look at how the injury has affected day-to-day activities, relationships, and overall quality of life. Though it’s challenging to assign a dollar amount to these experiences, it’s a crucial part of ensuring a fair outcome.

Property Damage And Other Financial Losses

In addition to physical injuries, property damage is often included in personal injury claims. Whether it’s a car accident or damage to personal belongings, the cost of repairs or replacements can be factored into the total compensation.

Other financial losses, such as out-of-pocket expenses related to the injury, also contribute to the final calculation. These might include transportation costs for medical appointments or hiring assistance during recovery.

Pursuing The Right Outcome

Achieving fair compensation means looking at all aspects of the injury, both financial and personal. By understanding how medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage are calculated, we can better pursue a settlement or verdict that reflects the true impact of the injury.

If you’ve been injured and are unsure how to approach your case, our Scottsdale personal injury lawyers can help. With over twenty-five years of experience, our team at Yearin Law Office is ready to discuss your situation, ensuring every detail is considered. Reach out today for experienced guidance on taking the next step toward recovery and the compensation you deserve.

Get the best attorney in Scottsdale to fight for the compensation you are owed. Call 480 360-4770

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