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July 06, 2023

Accepting an Insurance Settlement

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As your car accident claim is being handled, you may receive a settlement offer. Keep in mind that car insurance agencies are a for-profit business, and are likely to initially offer an amount that is way below what you deserve. We encourage victims of car wrecks to consult with an auto accident lawyer from Scottsdale before agreeing to any settlements. The Yearin Law Office can help ensure that you are receiving a fair amount.

Determining What You Can Collect

Many people don’t know how to determine what they deserve in terms of monetary compensation for their vehicle accident. Perhaps you had to get your car fixed, paid medical bills to get injuries treated, and lost out on pay from missing work to recover. Depending on the circumstances of the collision, there are various damages we can help you file for, including:

  • Lost Wages: missing work for doctor’s appointments, rest, procedures, surgery, etc. Used sick time/vacation hours may be calculated into lost wages.
  • Reduced Earning Capacity: when the injuries caused an inability to perform job duties as normal and earn a reasonable income, either short or long-term.
  • Pain and Suffering: victims may be eligible for additional monetary compensation depending on the degree of emotional distress they endured due to the accident.
  • Future Medical Costs: how much it may cost in the future to treat injuries related to the accident.
  • Punitive Damages: the victim may be entitled to punitive damages if it can be proven with evidence that the driver was being careless or malicious.

Filing a Civil Lawsuit

The driver responsible for the car accident may be liable for your damages, but insurance companies only pay as much as the driver’s policy allows. After that, any other losses accrued by the victim may have to be handled through a civil lawsuit. An AZ auto accident lawyer from Scottsdale can help you decide whether this is the right route for you, depending on the factors of the accident and the potential award.

If you or someone you care about has recently been in an accident where they have faced financial hardships, property damage, and injuries, please contact our law firm. We at the Yearin Law Office can imagine the depth of financial ruin you may have experienced due to the accident, and will do what is within our capabilities to see that you recover. When you need a lawyer you can count on, call the Yearin Law Office for support.

Get the best attorney in Scottsdale to fight for the compensation you are owed. Call 480 360-4770

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